BJJ Smash Pass Finish Vieira 1

by Budovideos Inc


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Rodolfo Vieira is one of the most dominating athletes in BJJ today. He's known for his aggressive takedowns, his smashing style of guard passes, and his fight finishing armbars and chokes. Rodolfo is a 3 time world champion at black belt (2012, 2013, 2014).Content Includes: Vol 11 Opening the Closed Guard2 Knee Cut Half Guard Pass3 Knee Cut Pass4 Double Under Hook Pass to Mount5 Back Step Pass6 Shoulder Pressure on the Head Guard Pass7 Lapel Half Guard Pass8 Underhook Pass on Lapel Half Guard9 7 Point Pass on Lapel Half is a mainstay in the BJJ community for providing some of the best and most relevant media. Along with Live Broadcasts, Live Webcasts, Jiu Jitsu documentaries and Instructional DVDs, now brings you the best of BJJ to your mobile device.